WIND OFF THE LAKE is the beginning of the story of Kamryn McKay and her best friend, Riley Carson as they begin their senior year of high school. Adult life is on their doorstep, and while they don’t know exactly what’s going to occur, Kamryn and Riley will walk it out side by side.
GARDEN IN THE DESERT sees Riley Carson on a wild chase after his best friend, Kamryn McKay, after a tragedy has driven her far from him. Riley doesn’t know where she has gone, but he is determined to find her, no matter what it costs him.
Scratch Pad Poetry is a place for random poetry on whatever topic happens to come to mind on the day I’m weaving words together! I’ll be crafting poems about anything from my cats to God and thunderstorms to dreams. Anything and everything is on the table!
HOPE IN THE DARKEST HOURS speaks to those who are in the depths of depression or darkness with poems like Doubt, Scourge, and Forsaken, showing the love and promises Jesus has for us.
VERSES AS A GIFT FROM THE LORD is a selection of my favorite poems that I have written over the last nine years. They express a range of emotions and cover a number of topics that I have experienced so far in my walk with Christ.